How we Help

Supporting Local Projects

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Project Selection

One Degree Forward works directly with villages and schools through our donees to address the highest priority needs.

We focus on fast-output, small to medium sized projects that can be completed easily by the Cambodian people. This ensures we are able to make an immediate impact.

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Project Management Support

Each project is managed using villagers on the ground in Cambodia. We vet our donee project managers to ensure they are trustworthy. They work hand-in-hand with Canadian volunteers who check in on them regularly and coach them on project management skills, safety, and execution.

Project Funding

Many charities and NGOs are plagued with issues like top heavy admin expenses, misdirected funds, or fraud at the delivery point.

Every dollar we raise goes directly into our projects and education initiatives, and every penny is accounted for. We work with our project managers to ensure that all costs, capital, and operation expenses in Cambodia are verifiable and well documented.